Guest Column

!ts amazing how once in a while
4 no reasons we get reasons2 smile
@ moment b4 who was stranger
No longer seems to be a stranger
His presence adds a dash of colour to life
Whose little gestures makes us feel shy

!ts amazing how once in a while
Sum1 makes dreams & reality look alike
We hold on to time but it slips away
We start wondering how to make him stay
Still confused wat we feel & how to wanna say
Looking here & there for little ray

!ts amazing how once in a while
Everything around starts looking worthwhile
The first tryst becomes the unforgettable memory
Soon starts a historic love story
Its destiny, hearts were destined to meet
Even angels are waiting for you to greet

!ts amazing how once in a while
We njoy even walking for miles
And comes a moment,
A moment to admire, reflect & believe
4 hearts to be open, to give & receive
4 making things special, for doing loving deeds
4 offering love that sum1 really needs

!ts amazing how once in a while
4 no reasons we get reasons to smile

Catch more of Ishu at

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